
Conditions of Carriage

4.1 FARES  

Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination, unless otherwise expressly stated. Fares do not include ground transport service between airports and between airports and town terminals. Your fare will be calculated in accordance with our Tariff in effect on the date of payment of your ticket for travel on the specific dates and itinerary shown on it. Should you change your itinerary or dates of travel, this may impact the fare to be paid?  


Applicable taxes, fees and charges imposed by government or other authority, or by the operator of an airport, shall be payable by you. At the time you purchase your Ticket, you will be advised of taxes, fees and charges not included in the fare, most of which will normally be shown separately on the Ticket. The taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date of Ticket issuance. If there is an increase in a tax, fee or charge shown on the Ticket, you will be obliged to pay it. Likewise, if a new tax, fee or charge is imposed even after Ticket issuance, you will be obliged to pay it. Similarly, in the event any taxes, fees or charges which you have paid to us at the time of Ticket issuance are abolished or reduced such that they no longer apply to you, or a lesser amount is due, you will be entitled to claim a refund.  


Fares, taxes, fees and charges are payable in the currency of the country in which the Ticket is issued, unless another currency is indicated by us or our Authorized Agent at or before the time payment is made (for example, because of the non-convertibility of the local currency). We may, at our discretion, accept payment in another currency. 

As you read these conditions, please note that:  

"We", "our" "ourselves" and "us" means Kenya Airways PLC.  

"You", "your" and "yourself" means any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft pursuant to a Ticket. (See also definition for "Passenger"). 

"AGREED STOPPING PLACES" means those places, except the place of departure and the place of destination, set out in the Ticket or shown in our timetables as scheduled stopping places on your route.  

"AIRLINE DESIGNATOR CODE" means the two characters or three letters which identify particular air carriers. 

"BAGGAGE" means your personal property accompanying you in connection with your trip. Unless otherwise specified, it consists of both your Checked and Unchecked Baggage.  

"BAGGAGE CHECK" means those portions of the Ticket which relate to the carriage of your Checked Baggage.  

"BAGGAGE IDENTIFICATION TAG" means a document issued solely for identification of Checked Baggage.  

"CARRIER" means an air carrier other than ourselves, whose airline designator code appears on your Ticket or on a Conjunction Ticket.  

"CHECKED BAGGAGE" means Baggage of which we take custody and for which we have issued a Baggage Check.  

"CHECK-IN DEADLINE" means the time limit specified by the airline by which you must have completed check-in formalities and received your boarding pass.  

"CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT" means those statements contained in or delivered with your Ticket or Itinerary/Receipt, identified as such and which incorporate, by reference, these Conditions of Carriage and notices.  

"CONJUNCTION TICKET" means a Ticket issued to you with relation to another Ticket which together constitute a single contract of carriage.  

"CONVENTION" means whichever of the following instruments are applicable:  

The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw, 12 October 1929 (hereinafter referred to as the Warsaw Convention); 

The Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague on 28 September 1955; 

The Warsaw Convention as amended by Additional Protocol No. 1 of Montreal (1975); 

The Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague and by Additional Protocol No. 2 of Montreal (1975);  

The Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague and by Additional Protocol No. 4 of Montreal (1975); 

The Guadalajara Supplementary Convention (1961);  

The Montreal Convention (1999)  

"COUPON" means both a paper Flight Coupon and an Electronic Coupon, each of which entitles the named passenger to travel on the particular flight identified on it.  

"DAMAGE" includes death, wounding, or bodily injury to a Passenger, loss, partial loss or theft of or other damage to Baggage, arising out of or in connection with carriage or other services incidental thereto performed by us.  

"DAYS" mean calendar days, including all seven days of the week; provided that, for the purpose of notification, the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and provided further that for purposes of determining duration of validity of a Ticket, the day upon which the Ticket is issued, or the flight commenced shall not be counted.  

"ELECTRONIC COUPON" means an electronic flight coupon or other value document held in our database.  

"ELECTRONIC TICKET" means the Itinerary/Receipt issued by us or on our behalf, the Electronic Coupons and, if applicable, a boarding document. 

"FLIGHT COUPON" means that portion of the Ticket that bears the notation "good for passage," or in the case of an Electronic Ticket, the Electronic Coupon, and indicates the particular places between which you are entitled to be carried.  

"FORCE MAJEURE" means unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond your control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised.  

"ITINERARY/RECEIPT" means a document or documents issued by us or on our behalf to Passengers travelling on Electronic Tickets that contains the Passenger's name, flight information and notices.  

"NOTICE OF CONTRACT TERMS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE" means those statements contained in or delivered with your Ticket or Itinerary/Receipt, identified as such and which incorporate by reference, these Conditions of Carriage and notices.  

"PASSENGER" means any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft pursuant to a Ticket. (See also definition for "you", "your" and "yourself").  

"PASSENGER COUPON" or "PASSENGER RECEIPT" means that portion of the Ticket issued by us or on our behalf, which is so marked and which ultimately is to be retained by you. 

"SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS" are an international unit of account, defined by the International Monetary Fund, based upon the values of several leading currencies. The currency values of the Special Drawing Right fluctuate and are re-calculated each banking day. These values are known to most commercial bankers and are reported regularly in leading financial journals.  

"STOPOVER" means a scheduled stop on your journey, at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination.  

"TARIFF" means the published fares, charges and/or related conditions of carriage of an airline filed, where required, with the appropriate authorities. 

"TICKET" means either the document entitled "Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check" or the Electronic Ticket, in each case issued by us or on our behalf, and includes the Conditions of Contract, notices and Coupons.  

"UNCHECKED BAGGAGE" means any of your Baggage other than Checked Baggage.